In 2022 Pi launched Process Pools, its dedicated division which focuses on its pool controller range AutoPool®, possibly the worlds most accomplished range of pool controllers.
In order to provide the world beating support and service that Pi is famed for, Pi’s newest business development specialist Leanna Bolton recently successfully completed the Swimming and Hydrotherapy Pool Operation and Management Training Course. Completing this course will give Leanna insights into the day to day issues affecting Pool Operators allowing her to tailor Pi’s AutoPool®, pool controller products to better suit each individual customer.
The course covered topics such as:
- Risks arising from poor quality swimming pool water e.g., who’s at risk and how and why we control and treat the water
- Waterborne diseases, infections, and pool hygiene
- Management systems and pool operating plans, pool and plant room maintenance, codes of practice as well as legally binding regulations
- Typical methods and what chemicals are used to disinfect pool water
- Ongoing monitoring requirements when it comes to chemical dosing, ph correction and chemical testing
Dr Paramore, Pi’s Sales Director said “Pi is committed to the continuing success of the AutoPool® pool controller range, and for that Pi needs to have the best business development and service team and the course is part of Pi’s continuing investment to maintain that objective”.
If you would like any further information on the AutoPool® and Pi’s pool controllers, you can contact our sales team by sending them an email to or by visiting the website.